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Essay Question

Last year many famous pop and sports stars earned millions of dollars each. Many other entertainment and sports personalities also have very high incomes. On the other hand, most people in 'ordinary' professions like nurses, doctors and teachers earn only a small fraction of the incomes of these ‘stars’. What do you think about stars receiving very high salaries? Is it fair that people with jobs who directly help other people, are paid much less?

90-Points (9 Bands) Sample Answer for Essay

The debate on whether stars receiving high salaries is justified encompasses diverse viewpoints, revealing its advantages and drawbacks. This essay critically assesses these perspectives.

There are myriad arguments in favour of my stance. Recent research not only outlines the significance of studies as well as people, but also points out the importance of education and coping with vicissitudes. Besides, it provides a brief overview of expanding cultural understanding, followed by enhancing global perspectives. Examples of this can be seen all over the world, especially in affluent nations. Further, the implications of technological advancements on these views are significant, justifying widespread support for the idea that stars receiving high salaries is justified.

However, there are some arguments against the aforementioned view. Besides, its impact is far-reaching indeed as its influence extends to various facets of society, shaping not only individual experiences but also impacting the academic research landscape. Therefore, it is apparent why many are against the notion that stars receiving high salaries is justified.

In conclusion, while the viewpoint that stars receiving high salaries is justified presents a complex array of advantages and disadvantages, my analysis leads me to firmly support the notion that its benefits substantially outweigh the drawbacks.

1SAN *This model answer uses the AGBS template for scoring full marks in the PTE Academic exam. For the Essay Question-type, your score depends on factors like Content, Form, Grammar, Vocabulary Range, Spelling, General Linguistic Range, and Development, Structure and Coherence. In the following picture, you can see how this answer is getting full score in all these aspects!

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Template used in this PTE Academic Essay Sample Answer

1M.You can even try memorising the whole template before typing it. Here is the template for AGBS essay-type. There are two types of PTE essays: AGBS and PS. Both templates have similar structure, with some differences in text to make the content more suitable to the essay-type.

Agree Disagree / Both Sides Template

The debate on whether TS* encompasses diverse viewpoints, revealing its advantages and drawbacks. This essay critically assesses these perspectives.

There are myriad arguments in favour of my stance. Recent research not only outlines the significance of studies as well as people, but also points out the importance of education and coping with vicissitudes. Besides, it provides a brief overview of expanding cultural understanding, followed by enhancing global perspectives. Examples of this can be seen all over the world, especially in affluent nations. Further, the implications of technological advancements on these views are significant, justifying widespread support for the idea that TS*.

However, there are some arguments against the aforementioned view. Besides, its impact is far-reaching indeed as its influence extends to various facets of society, shaping not only individual experiences but also impacting the academic research landscape. Therefore, it is apparent why many are against the notion that TS*.

In conclusion, while the viewpoint that TS* presents a complex array of advantages and disadvantages, my analysis leads me to firmly support the notion that its benefits substantially outweigh the drawbacks.

*Now, with the above template, you only have to add one phrase (a TS), which almost looks like a sentence.

What is TS?

A Topic Sentence (also known as TS) is a crucial element in a templated essay, as it directly addresses the main topic while keeping rest of the essay’s structure fixed. It highlights words from the essay topic in a positive or neutral tone, ensuring the essay fulfils the content score criteria.

Example TS for the current essay:

'stars receiving high salaries is justified'

What makes this TS suitable?

The TS "stars receiving high salaries is justified" is appropriate for the essay topic because it clearly presents a viewpoint on the fairness of high earnings for celebrities in comparison to ordinary professions. The TS uses key phrases such as "stars receiving high salaries" and "justified," which directly relate to the question of whether these earnings are fair. This connection ensures that the response stays focused on the central issue of salary differences between entertainers and those in essential jobs like nursing, teaching, and medicine.

The sentence is grammatically correct, with a clear subject ("stars receiving high salaries") and a complete thought ("is justified"). There are no spelling mistakes, which is essential for maintaining clarity. The TS avoids unnecessary words and presents a straightforward opinion, making it easy for readers to understand the perspective being introduced.

By using keywords such as "stars," "high salaries," and "justified," the TS sets a solid foundation for discussing the reasons why these high earnings may be considered fair. This approach will help in exploring the topic further, allowing for a balanced discussion on the value placed on different professions and the societal factors influencing these salary differences. Overall, the TS aligns well with the essay prompt, establishing a clear direction for the argument that will be developed in the essay.

Important Words for Relevancy + Content Scores

1A TS needs to have words that are related to the essay-topic, and here is a list of such words and phrases that you can use to make your own TS. All of these words and phrases are directly related to the text of essay prompt, thus giving you several ideas for creating your own TS.

  • Famous Personality: A famous personality is someone who is well-known and admired by many people, often due to their achievements in areas like entertainment, sports, or politics. For example, a famous personality like a film star may have fans all over the world.
  • Film Star: A film star is an actor or actress who is widely recognized for their roles in movies. For instance, a film star may earn millions for a single movie, attracting large audiences to theatres.
  • Musician: A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument or sings, often creating music for entertainment. For example, a famous musician may perform at concerts and sell millions of albums.
  • Sportsperson: A sportsperson is someone who plays sports professionally, often competing at high levels. For example, a well-known sportsperson might receive endorsements and earn significant amounts of money from their sport.
  • Pay: Pay refers to the money that someone earns for their work or services. For example, a teacher's pay may be lower than that of a film star, even though both have important jobs.
  • Profession: A profession is a type of job that requires special training or education. For instance, being a doctor is a profession that involves years of study and practice.
  • Millions: Millions refer to large quantities, specifically one million or more. For example, pop stars can earn millions of pounds from album sales and concert tours.
  • Earned: Earned means to receive money in return for work or services provided. For example, a nurse earns a salary for their hard work in caring for patients.
  • Pop Stars: Pop stars are popular musicians known for their catchy songs and performances. For instance, pop stars often have huge fan bases and can earn large sums of money from their music.
  • Sportsman: A sportsman is a male athlete who competes in sports. For example, a famous sportsman might be celebrated for their skills and achievements in football or tennis.
  • Lives: Lives refers to the way people exist or the experiences they have. For example, celebrities often lead very different lives compared to regular people due to their fame and wealth.
  • Private: Private means something that is personal and not shared with others. For example, many celebrities try to keep their private lives away from the public eye.
  • Providing Peace of Mind: Providing peace of mind means offering reassurance and comfort to someone. For instance, a good doctor provides peace of mind to patients by ensuring they receive proper care.
  • Celebrities: Celebrities are famous people, often from entertainment or sports, who are widely recognized and followed by fans. For example, celebrities often appear in magazines and on social media.
  • Give Price: Give price refers to the amount of money asked for something, often related to the value of a person's work or service. For example, a celebrity might give a high price for a ticket to their concert.
  • Fame: Fame is the state of being well-known and admired by many people. For instance, fame can bring both benefits and challenges to a celebrity's life.
  • Professionals: Professionals are people who have specialized knowledge or skills in a particular field. For example, doctors and teachers are considered professionals due to their training and expertise.
  • Nurse: A nurse is a healthcare professional who cares for patients and helps doctors. For example, nurses play a vital role in hospitals, providing support and treatment to those in need.
  • Doctors: Doctors are medical professionals who diagnose and treat illnesses. For example, doctors work long hours to help their patients recover and stay healthy.
  • Teacher: A teacher is someone who educates students in a school. For example, teachers help shape young minds and inspire future generations.
  • Small Fraction: A small fraction refers to a tiny part of a whole. For example, the salaries of professionals like nurses and teachers are often a small fraction of what celebrities earn.
  • High Salaries: High salaries refer to large amounts of money earned for work. For example, film stars and top athletes often receive high salaries for their performances.
  • Employments: Employments refer to jobs or positions where people work. For instance, there are many types of employments, from teaching to healthcare.
  • Wages: Wages are the amount of money paid to workers, usually calculated on an hourly basis. For example, a part-time job might offer lower wages compared to a full-time professional career.
  • Jobs: Jobs are roles or positions that people do to earn money. For example, there are many different jobs, from office work to hands-on trades.
  • Receiving High Salaries: Receiving high salaries means earning a large amount of money for one's work. For instance, many celebrities receive high salaries due to their popularity and the demand for their talents.
  • People with Jobs that Directly Help Others: People with jobs that directly help others are those who work in caring professions, like nurses and teachers. For example, these individuals often play crucial roles in improving the lives of others, even if their pay is less than that of celebrities.

1Try to make your own TS using these suggested words. Then fill the above-mentioned template, and submit to our AI for evaluation. Keep making changes only in the TS till you get the full scores. This is the fastest way for you to prepare for the writing section of PTE Academic test.

Gaurav Chhikara

PTE Academic Guide

Gaurav Chhikara, a PTE Academic Guide at Marvel PTE, brilliantly melds his engineering acumen to transform PTE prep. With a perfect 90 score on his first attempt, he harnesses AI to refine exam evaluations, offering invaluable insights and strategies, taking students to their peak PTE score.