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Essay Question

To increase the price of fuel is the only way to reduce air pollution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

90-Points (9 Bands) Sample Answer for Essay

The debate on whether increasing fuel prices can help reduce air pollution but is not the only solution encompasses diverse viewpoints, revealing its advantages and drawbacks. This essay critically assesses these perspectives.

There are myriad arguments in favour of my stance. Recent research not only outlines the significance of studies as well as people, but also points out the importance of education and coping with vicissitudes. Besides, it provides a brief overview of expanding cultural understanding, followed by enhancing global perspectives. Examples of this can be seen all over the world, especially in affluent nations. Further, the implications of technological advancements on these views are significant, justifying widespread support for the idea that increasing fuel prices can help reduce air pollution but is not the only solution.

However, there are some arguments against the aforementioned view. Besides, its impact is far-reaching indeed as its influence extends to various facets of society, shaping not only individual experiences but also impacting the academic research landscape. Therefore, it is apparent why many are against the notion that increasing fuel prices can help reduce air pollution but is not the only solution.

In conclusion, while the viewpoint that increasing fuel prices can help reduce air pollution but is not the only solution presents a complex array of advantages and disadvantages, my analysis leads me to firmly support the notion that its benefits substantially outweigh the drawbacks.

1SAN *This model answer uses the AGBS template for scoring full marks in the PTE Academic exam. For the Essay Question-type, your score depends on factors like Content, Form, Grammar, Vocabulary Range, Spelling, General Linguistic Range, and Development, Structure and Coherence. In the following picture, you can see how this answer is getting full score in all these aspects!

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Template used in this PTE Academic Essay Sample Answer

1M.You can even try memorising the whole template before typing it. Here is the template for AGBS essay-type. There are two types of PTE essays: AGBS and PS. Both templates have similar structure, with some differences in text to make the content more suitable to the essay-type.

Agree Disagree / Both Sides Template

The debate on whether TS* encompasses diverse viewpoints, revealing its advantages and drawbacks. This essay critically assesses these perspectives.

There are myriad arguments in favour of my stance. Recent research not only outlines the significance of studies as well as people, but also points out the importance of education and coping with vicissitudes. Besides, it provides a brief overview of expanding cultural understanding, followed by enhancing global perspectives. Examples of this can be seen all over the world, especially in affluent nations. Further, the implications of technological advancements on these views are significant, justifying widespread support for the idea that TS*.

However, there are some arguments against the aforementioned view. Besides, its impact is far-reaching indeed as its influence extends to various facets of society, shaping not only individual experiences but also impacting the academic research landscape. Therefore, it is apparent why many are against the notion that TS*.

In conclusion, while the viewpoint that TS* presents a complex array of advantages and disadvantages, my analysis leads me to firmly support the notion that its benefits substantially outweigh the drawbacks.

*Now, with the above template, you only have to add one phrase (a TS), which almost looks like a sentence.

What is TS?

A TS (short form of Topic Sentence) is a vital part of a templated essay. It uses key terms from the essay prompt and fits into a fixed structure, helping to easily cover the content score criteria. The TS must remain positive or neutral in tone and is the only sentence that needs to be customized for each essay.

Example TS for the current essay:

'increasing fuel prices can help reduce air pollution but is not the only solution'

What makes this TS suitable?

The TS "increasing fuel prices can help reduce air pollution but is not the only solution" is appropriate for the essay topic because it addresses the main question while offering a balanced viewpoint. The statement acknowledges that raising fuel prices could have a positive effect on lowering air pollution, which aligns with the idea of using price as a tool for environmental change. At the same time, it introduces the notion that there are other methods available to tackle this issue, indicating a broader perspective.

This TS uses key terms from the essay topic, such as "increasing fuel prices" and "reduce air pollution," ensuring that it directly relates to the question being asked. The structure of the sentence is clear, with a subject ("increasing fuel prices") and a complete thought about its potential impact on air pollution. There are no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes, which enhances clarity and readability.

Moreover, the TS includes important keywords like "help," "reduce," and "solution," which are crucial for discussing various strategies to combat air pollution. By stating that increasing fuel prices is not the only solution, the TS opens up the discussion for other possible approaches, making it easier to explore different ideas in the essay. This balance helps to create a strong foundation for a well-rounded argument, which can lead to a higher score in content and relevance. Overall, the TS effectively sets the stage for a thoughtful examination of the relationship between fuel prices and air pollution, while also considering alternative solutions.

Important Words for Relevancy + Content Scores

1A TS needs to have words that are related to the essay-topic, and here is a list of such words and phrases that you can use to make your own TS. All of these words and phrases are directly related to the text of essay prompt, thus giving you several ideas for creating your own TS.

  • Increase the Price of Fuel: Increasing the price of fuel means raising the cost of petrol and diesel that people use for their vehicles. For example, if fuel prices go up, some people might decide to drive less or use public transport instead.
  • Reduce Air Pollution: Reducing air pollution means lowering the harmful substances released into the air. For instance, using electric cars instead of petrol cars can help reduce air pollution in cities.
  • Extent: Extent refers to the degree or level of something. For example, when discussing how much you agree or disagree with an idea, you might say, 'To a large extent, I believe it is important to protect the environment.'
  • Pollution: Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment, making it dirty or unsafe. An example of pollution is smoke from cars that can harm the air we breathe.
  • Fossil Fuels: Fossil fuels are natural substances like coal, oil, and natural gas that are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals. For example, most cars run on fossil fuels, which contribute to air pollution.
  • Prices: Prices refer to the amount of money required to purchase something. For instance, if the price of fuel increases, it can affect how much people are willing to drive.
  • Environment: The environment is the natural world, including land, water, air, and all living things. For example, a clean environment is crucial for the health of plants, animals, and people.
  • Preservation: Preservation means keeping something in its original state or protecting it from harm. For example, environmental preservation involves protecting forests and wildlife from pollution and destruction.
  • Conservation: Conservation is the careful management of natural resources to prevent their depletion. For instance, conservation efforts can include protecting endangered species and their habitats.
  • Reduction in Consumption: Reduction in consumption refers to using less of something, such as energy or resources. For example, if people reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, it can lead to less pollution.
  • Raising: Raising means increasing or lifting something to a higher level. For example, raising awareness about air pollution can help people understand its effects and encourage them to take action.

1Try to make your own TS using these suggested words. Then fill the above-mentioned template, and submit to our AI for evaluation. Keep making changes only in the TS till you get the full scores. This is the fastest way for you to prepare for the writing section of PTE Academic test.


PTE Teacher

Reet, a seasoned PTE Teacher at MarvelPTE, boasts global teaching prowess and tailored strategies for PTE aspirants. With an M.S. in Bioinformatics, her scientific approach merges with a deep understanding of English exams, making her an invaluable asset to Marvel PTE's students and team.