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Summarize Written Text Question

Read the email below from a high school principal to parents and guardians about upcoming school events and initiatives. Read and summarize the passage using between 25 and 50 words. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task.

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this message finds you well. As we approach the end of the academic year, I wanted to take a moment to update you on several exciting developments and upcoming events at Westview High School.

Firstly, our Annual Science Fare is scheduled for the 25th of April. This year, students have been working exceptionally hard on their projects, exploring topics from renewable energy solutions to innovative approaches to waste reduction. We invite you to join us in celebrating their hard work and creativity.

Additionally, we are proud to announce the launch of our new Digital Literacy Programme. Starting next month, this programme will offer students the opportunity to develop critical skills in information technology, coding, and digital communication. We believe these skills are essential for their success in the modern world and are committed to providing our students with the tools they need to thrive.

Lastly, in our effort to foster a more inclusive school environment, we are introducing a series of workshops on diversity and inclusion for students, staff, and interested parents. These workshops will be led by experts in the field and aim to promote understanding, respect, and empathy within our school community.

Your support is crucial to the success of these initiatives, and we hope to see you at the Science Fair and engage with you in our new programmes. Should you have any questions or wish to volunteer in any capacity, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Warm regards,

[Principal's Name]
Principal, Westview High School

90-Points (9 Bands) Sample Answer for Summarize Written Text

The text primarily discusses Annual Science Fare, highlighting the importance of new Digital Literacy Programme. Additionally, it touches on workshops on diversity and inclusion, accentuating the significance of renewable energy solutions. It concludes by suggesting innovative approaches to waste reduction, thereby unequivocally delineating critical skills.

1M. This model answer uses the SWTCORE template for scoring full marks in the PTE Core exam. For the Summarize Written Text Question-type, your score depends on factors like Content, Form, Grammar and Vocabulary Range. In the following picture, you can see how this answer is getting full score in all these aspects!

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Template used in this Summarize Written Text Sample Answer

1M.You can even try memorising the whole template before typing it. Here is the template for PTE Core PTE Summarize Written Text item-type.

The text primarily discusses key phrase 1, highlighting the importance of key phrase 2. Additionally, it touches on key phrase 3, accentuating the significance of key phrase 4. It concludes by suggesting key phrase 5, thereby unequivocally delineating key phrase 6.

*Now, with the above template, you only have to add a few phrases from the text-passage.

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