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Summarize Written Text Question

Read the email below from a local theatre company to its patrons regarding upcoming performances. Read and summarize the passage using between 25 and 50 words. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task.

Dear Patrons,

As we approach the end of another year, we are excited to announce our upcoming season, which promises to be one of the most thrilling yet. In response to the overwhelming support for our previous productions, we have curated a lineup that includes both classic plays and contemporary pieces, each chosen for their unique storytelling and emotional depth.

Your continued support as a patron of the arts is invaluable to us. We invite you to join us for a season of captivating performances that promise to inspire, challenge, and entertain.

Warm regards,
The Riverview Theatre Company

90-Points (9 Bands) Sample Answer for Summarize Written Text

The text primarily discusses an upcoming season, highlighting the importance of classic plays and contemporary pieces. Additionally, it touches on supporting as a patron, accentuating the significance of captivating performances. It concludes by suggesting previous productions, thereby unequivocally delineating emotional depth.

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Template used in this Summarize Written Text Sample Answer

1M.You can even try memorising the whole template before typing it. Here is the template for PTE Core PTE Summarize Written Text item-type.

The text primarily discusses key phrase 1, highlighting the importance of key phrase 2. Additionally, it touches on key phrase 3, accentuating the significance of key phrase 4. It concludes by suggesting key phrase 5, thereby unequivocally delineating key phrase 6.

*Now, with the above template, you only have to add a few phrases from the text-passage.

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Vanita, a premier PTE Tutor at Marvel PTE, merges her MBA insights with a decade of English teaching passion. Specializing in exam prep at classroom level and influencer-driven prep, her AI-infused strategies guide aspirants to PTE success, often achieving desired scores on their first attempt.