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Summarize Written Text Question

Read the update email from a community gardening group to its members about the autumn planting schedule. Read and summarize the passage using between 25 and 50 words. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task.

Greetings Gardeners,

As autumn sets in, it's time to prepare our community garden for the season ahead. This year, we're focusing on sustainable gardening practices and biodiversity. We'll be introducing a variety of native plants and vegetables that thrive in cooler temperatures, including kale, carrots, and a selection of herbs.

Our next group meeting will discuss the autumn planting schedule, volunteer assignments, and our upcoming composting workshop. It's a fantastic opportunity to learn more about organic gardening and how you can contribute to our garden's ecosystem.

The meeting is scheduled for this Saturday at 10 AM in the garden's main pavilion. Please bring your gloves, tools, and lots of enthusiasm!

90-Points (9 Bands) Sample Answer for Summarize Written Text

The text primarily discusses sustainable gardening practices, highlighting the importance of biodiversity. Additionally, it touches on a variety of native plants, accentuating the significance of the autumn planting schedule. It concludes by suggesting a composting workshop, thereby unequivocally delineating organic gardening.

1M. This model answer uses the SWTCORE template for scoring full marks in the PTE Core exam. For the Summarize Written Text Question-type, your score depends on factors like Content, Form, Grammar and Vocabulary Range. In the following picture, you can see how this answer is getting full score in all these aspects!

How much score will I get with this PTE Core Summarize Written Text Sample Answer?

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You can confidently use this Summarize Written Text Answer in the PTE Core exam with similar results. You can even try it for yourself right now, click the link below and check immediately. Remember to type it all out, rather than copy pasting, as it will help you in getting prepared.

Template used in this Summarize Written Text Sample Answer

1M.You can even try memorising the whole template before typing it. Here is the template for PTE Core PTE Summarize Written Text item-type.

The text primarily discusses key phrase 1, highlighting the importance of key phrase 2. Additionally, it touches on key phrase 3, accentuating the significance of key phrase 4. It concludes by suggesting key phrase 5, thereby unequivocally delineating key phrase 6.

*Now, with the above template, you only have to add a few phrases from the text-passage.

What makes this TS suitable?

The provided sample answer effectively summarizes the question text and question by capturing the main themes and details presented in the original content. Here's a breakdown of why the sample answer is appropriate:

  1. Focus on Key Topics: The sample answer identifies the central theme of the text, which is "sustainable gardening practices." This aligns with the question text that emphasizes the community's initiative toward sustainable gardening.

  2. Highlighting Biodiversity: The mention of "biodiversity" in the sample answer reflects the text's focus on introducing a variety of native plants and vegetables. This is a crucial aspect of the community gardening group's goals, which the sample answer effectively highlights.

  3. Mention of Native Plants: The sample answer notes "a variety of native plants," which is explicitly mentioned in the question text. This shows that the sample answer is directly addressing the content of the original message.

  4. Autumn Planting Schedule: The reference to "the autumn planting schedule" in the sample answer corresponds to the meeting's agenda mentioned in the question text. This connection demonstrates an understanding of the specific details that the gardening group is focusing on during the autumn season.

  5. Composting Workshop: The sample answer concludes with the mention of "a composting workshop," which is also a part of the community gardening group's plans. This detail is important as it shows the group's commitment to organic gardening, a key element in the original text.

  6. Conciseness: The sample answer is concise and falls within the word limit specified in the question. This is crucial for fulfilling the task requirements effectively.

  7. Clarity and Structure: The use of bold and underlined text in the sample answer helps to clearly present the main points, making it easy for readers to grasp the essential information quickly.

In summary, the sample answer appropriately summarizes the question text by clearly outlining the main topics of sustainable gardening, biodiversity, native plants, the autumn planting schedule, and the composting workshop. It captures the essence of the community gardening group's message while adhering to the guidelines for length and clarity.

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Reet, a seasoned PTE Teacher at MarvelPTE, boasts global teaching prowess and tailored strategies for PTE aspirants. With an M.S. in Bioinformatics, her scientific approach merges with a deep understanding of English exams, making her an invaluable asset to Marvel PTE's students and team.