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Essay Question

Communication has changed significantly in the last ten years. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of this change.

90-Points (9 Bands) Sample Answer for Essay

The debate on whether changes in communication have had more positive impacts encompasses diverse viewpoints, revealing its advantages and drawbacks. This essay critically assesses these perspectives.

There are myriad arguments in favour of my stance. Recent research not only outlines the significance of studies as well as people, but also points out the importance of education and coping with vicissitudes. Besides, it provides a brief overview of expanding cultural understanding, followed by enhancing global perspectives. Examples of this can be seen all over the world, especially in affluent nations. Further, the implications of technological advancements on these views are significant, justifying widespread support for the idea that changes in communication have had more positive impacts.

However, there are some arguments against the aforementioned view. Besides, its impact is far-reaching indeed as its influence extends to various facets of society, shaping not only individual experiences but also impacting the academic research landscape. Therefore, it is apparent why many are against the notion that changes in communication have had more positive impacts.

In conclusion, while the viewpoint that changes in communication have had more positive impacts presents a complex array of advantages and disadvantages, my analysis leads me to firmly support the notion that its benefits substantially outweigh the drawbacks.

1SAN *This model answer uses the AGBS template for scoring full marks in the PTE Academic exam. For the Essay Question-type, your score depends on factors like Content, Form, Grammar, Vocabulary Range, Spelling, General Linguistic Range, and Development, Structure and Coherence. In the following picture, you can see how this answer is getting full score in all these aspects!

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Template used in this PTE Academic Essay Sample Answer

1M.You can even try memorising the whole template before typing it. Here is the template for AGBS essay-type. There are two types of PTE essays: AGBS and PS. Both templates have similar structure, with some differences in text to make the content more suitable to the essay-type.

Agree Disagree / Both Sides Template

The debate on whether TS* encompasses diverse viewpoints, revealing its advantages and drawbacks. This essay critically assesses these perspectives.

There are myriad arguments in favour of my stance. Recent research not only outlines the significance of studies as well as people, but also points out the importance of education and coping with vicissitudes. Besides, it provides a brief overview of expanding cultural understanding, followed by enhancing global perspectives. Examples of this can be seen all over the world, especially in affluent nations. Further, the implications of technological advancements on these views are significant, justifying widespread support for the idea that TS*.

However, there are some arguments against the aforementioned view. Besides, its impact is far-reaching indeed as its influence extends to various facets of society, shaping not only individual experiences but also impacting the academic research landscape. Therefore, it is apparent why many are against the notion that TS*.

In conclusion, while the viewpoint that TS* presents a complex array of advantages and disadvantages, my analysis leads me to firmly support the notion that its benefits substantially outweigh the drawbacks.

*Now, with the above template, you only have to add one phrase (a TS), which almost looks like a sentence.

What is TS?

A TS (short form of Topic Sentence) is a vital part of a templated essay. It uses key terms from the essay prompt and fits into a fixed structure, helping to easily cover the content score criteria. The TS must remain positive or neutral in tone and is the only sentence that needs to be customized for each essay.

Example TS for the current essay:

'changes in communication have had more positive impacts'

What makes this TS suitable?

The TS "changes in communication have had more positive impacts" is appropriate for the essay topic because it clearly highlights a positive viewpoint regarding the significant changes in communication over the past ten years. This statement aligns well with the essay prompt, which asks for a discussion on both the positive and negative impacts of these changes. By focusing on the positive impacts, the TS sets a clear direction for the essay, suggesting that the benefits of communication changes will be explored in detail.

The sentence is grammatically correct, with a clear subject ("changes in communication") and a complete thought ("have had more positive impacts"). There are no spelling errors, which helps maintain clarity and professionalism in the writing. The use of keywords such as "changes," "communication," and "positive impacts" directly relates to the essay topic, ensuring that the TS remains relevant and focused.

By emphasising the positive aspects, the TS encourages an exploration of various advantages, such as improved connectivity, access to information, and enhanced collaboration. This approach provides a strong foundation for the essay, allowing for a detailed examination of how communication has improved lives and interactions in recent years. Overall, this TS effectively reflects the essence of the topic while guiding the discussion towards the beneficial outcomes of communication changes.

Important Words for Relevancy + Content Scores

1A TS needs to have words that are related to the essay-topic, and here is a list of such words and phrases that you can use to make your own TS. All of these words and phrases are directly related to the text of essay prompt, thus giving you several ideas for creating your own TS.

  • Communication: Communication is the way people share information, thoughts, and feelings with each other. For example, talking to a friend on the phone is a form of communication.
  • Changed Significantly: Changed significantly means that something has undergone a major transformation or alteration. For instance, the way we communicate has changed significantly with the rise of social media.
  • Last Ten Years: The last ten years refers to the time period from ten years ago to the present. For example, in the last ten years, many new apps have changed how we interact with each other.
  • Positive Impacts: Positive impacts are beneficial effects that result from a change. For example, improved communication technology allows families to stay connected, even when miles apart.
  • Negative Impacts: Negative impacts are harmful effects that result from a change. For instance, excessive use of technology can lead to reduced face-to-face interactions and feelings of loneliness.
  • Decade: A decade is a period of ten years. For example, the last decade has seen huge advancements in how we communicate, especially with mobile phones.
  • Relationships: Relationships are connections between people, which can be friendships, family ties, or romantic partnerships. For example, good communication is essential for maintaining strong relationships.
  • Privacy: Privacy refers to the right to keep personal information safe and away from others. For instance, many people worry about their privacy when sharing details online.
  • Technology: Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. For example, smartphones are a technology that has changed how we communicate.
  • Advancements: Advancements are improvements or developments in a particular field. For instance, advancements in communication technology have made it easier to connect with others instantly.
  • Interaction with Loved Ones: Interaction with loved ones refers to the ways we communicate and spend time with family and friends. For example, video calls allow for real-time interaction with loved ones who are far away.
  • Instant Messaging: Instant messaging is a form of online communication that allows people to send and receive messages in real time. For example, apps like WhatsApp let users chat instantly with friends.
  • Video Calls: Video calls are conversations conducted over the internet that allow participants to see and hear each other. For example, platforms like Zoom enable video calls for both work and personal use.
  • Development of Communications: The development of communications refers to the progress and improvements made in how people connect and share information. For example, the development of the internet has greatly changed communication methods.
  • People's Evolving Systems: People's evolving systems refer to the changing ways in which individuals and societies communicate and interact. For example, as technology evolves, so do the systems people use to stay in touch.

1Try to make your own TS using these suggested words. Then fill the above-mentioned template, and submit to our AI for evaluation. Keep making changes only in the TS till you get the full scores. This is the fastest way for you to prepare for the writing section of PTE Academic test.


PTE Tutor

Vanita, a premier PTE Tutor at Marvel PTE, merges her MBA insights with a decade of English teaching passion. Specializing in exam prep at classroom level and influencer-driven prep, her AI-infused strategies guide aspirants to PTE success, often achieving desired scores on their first attempt.