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Essay Question

What are the problems associated with gambling? Provide solutions to avoid it.

90-Points (9 Bands) Sample Answer for Essay

The debate on whether debt and financial stress are associated with gambling addiction encompasses diverse viewpoints, revealing its challenges. This essay critically assesses these perspectives.

There are myriad reasons in favour of my stance. Recent research not only outlines the significance of studies as well as people, but also points out the importance of education and coping with vicissitudes. Besides, it provides a brief overview of expanding cultural understanding, followed by enhancing global perspectives. Examples of this can be seen all over the world, especially in affluent nations. Further, the implications of technological advancements on these views are significant, justifying widespread support for the idea that debt and financial stress are associated with gambling addiction.

However, there are some solutions against the aforementioned view. The primary one stems from the fact that by ensuring the implementation of set rules and policies, government authorities can help a nation thrive. Besides, its impact poses challenges that extend to various facets of society, shaping not only individual experiences but also impacting the academic research landscape. Therefore, it is apparent why many advocate for solutions addressing the notion that debt and financial stress are associated with gambling addiction.

In conclusion, while the viewpoint that debt and financial stress are associated with gambling addiction presents a complex array of challenges, my analysis leads me to firmly support the notion that its solutions substantially outweigh those challenges.

3SAN *This model answer uses the PS template for scoring full marks in the PTE Academic exam. For the Essay Question-type, your score depends on factors like Content, Form, Grammar, Vocabulary Range, Spelling, General Linguistic Range, and Development, Structure and Coherence. In the following picture, you can see how this answer is getting full score in all these aspects!

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Template used in this PTE Academic Essay Sample Answer

1M.You can even try memorising the whole template before typing it. Here is the template for PS essay-type. There are two types of PTE essays: AGBS and PS. Both templates have similar structure, with some differences in text to make the content more suitable to the essay-type.

Problem Solution Template

The debate on whether TS* encompasses diverse viewpoints, revealing its challenges. This essay critically assesses these perspectives.

There are myriad reasons in favour of my stance. Recent research not only outlines the significance of studies as well as people, but also points out the importance of education and coping with vicissitudes. Besides, it provides a brief overview of expanding cultural understanding, followed by enhancing global perspectives. Examples of this can be seen all over the world, especially in affluent nations. Further, the implications of technological advancements on these views are significant, justifying widespread support for the idea that TS*.

However, there are some solutions against the aforementioned view. The primary one stems from the fact that by ensuring the implementation of set rules and policies, government authorities can help a nation thrive. Besides, its impact poses challenges that extend to various facets of society, shaping not only individual experiences but also impacting the academic research landscape. Therefore, it is apparent why many advocate for solutions addressing the notion that TS*.

In conclusion, while the viewpoint that TS* presents a complex array of challenges, my analysis leads me to firmly support the notion that its solutions substantially outweigh those challenges.

*Now, with the above template, you only have to add one phrase (a TS), which almost looks like a sentence.

What is TS?

A TS, or Topic Sentence, is an important part of a templated essay. It is a clear and short sentence that tells what the main idea of the essay is. The TS is created using words from the essay topic and fits into a set structure that is already written. It also makes sure that the essay sounds positive or neutral. The TS is the only part that needs to be changed for each essay in order to get full content score.

Example TS for the current essay:

'debt and financial stress are associated with gambling addiction'

What makes this TS suitable?

The TS "debt and financial stress are associated with gambling addiction" is fitting for the essay topic because it highlights two significant problems linked to gambling. It clearly identifies "debt" and "financial stress" as key issues that arise from gambling behaviour, which aligns directly with the prompt asking about the problems associated with gambling. The use of the phrase "associated with gambling addiction" shows a clear connection between gambling and its negative consequences, making the statement relevant to the topic.

The TS is grammatically correct, with a straightforward structure that includes a clear subject ("debt and financial stress") and a complete thought ("are associated with gambling addiction"). There are no spelling errors, which is essential for maintaining clarity and professionalism in writing.

Additionally, the TS contains important keywords such as "debt," "financial stress," and "gambling addiction." These words are crucial as they directly relate to the issues that the essay will discuss. By focusing on these problems, the TS sets a solid groundwork for exploring the negative impacts of gambling and opens the door for discussing effective solutions to avoid these issues. This approach ensures that the essay remains relevant and focused on the prompt, increasing the likelihood of a higher score.

Important Words for Relevancy + Content Scores

1A TS needs to have words that are related to the essay-topic, and here is a list of such words and phrases that you can use to make your own TS. All of these words and phrases are directly related to the text of essay prompt, thus giving you several ideas for creating your own TS.

  • Gamble: To gamble means to play games of chance for money or valuables. For example, many people gamble at casinos, hoping to win big prizes.
  • Financial Stress: Financial stress refers to the anxiety and worry caused by financial problems, like not having enough money to pay bills. For instance, someone might feel financial stress if they lose their job and struggle to find a new one.
  • Casino: A casino is a facility where people can gamble on games like poker, slots, and roulette. For example, Las Vegas is famous for its large and exciting casinos.
  • Resolution: A resolution is a firm decision to do or not do something. For example, someone might make a New Year's resolution to stop gambling and save more money.
  • Addiction: Addiction is a condition where a person feels a strong need to do something repeatedly, even if it is harmful. For instance, gambling addiction can lead people to spend all their money on games, despite negative consequences.
  • Addicted: Addicted describes a person who cannot stop doing something harmful, like gambling. For example, someone who is addicted to gambling may find it hard to resist the urge to play even when they are losing money.
  • Avoid: To avoid means to keep away from something or not engage in it. For example, a person might avoid going to a casino to prevent themselves from gambling.
  • Bet: A bet is an agreement to risk money on the outcome of a game or event. For example, when people bet on a football match, they put money on which team they think will win.
  • Make a Resolution: To make a resolution means to decide to change a behaviour or habit. For instance, someone might make a resolution to limit their gambling to prevent financial problems.
  • Motivate: To motivate means to provide someone with a reason or incentive to do something. For example, setting a goal can motivate a person to stop gambling and focus on saving money instead.
  • Money: Money is the currency used to buy goods and services. For example, people use money to pay for groceries, rent, and entertainment.
  • Lose: To lose means to have something taken away or to fail to win. For instance, when gambling, a person can lose money if they do not win the game.
  • Playing Gambling: Playing gambling refers to participating in games of chance where money is at stake. For example, playing gambling at a casino can be exciting but also risky if not done responsibly.
  • Increasing Crime Rates: Increasing crime rates refer to a rise in the number of criminal activities in a particular area. For example, some studies suggest that areas with many casinos might experience increasing crime rates due to gambling-related issues.
  • Decreasing Crime Rates: Decreasing crime rates mean a reduction in the number of crimes committed. For instance, community programs aimed at reducing gambling addiction can help lower crime rates in affected areas.
  • Debt: Debt is the amount of money that a person owes to others. For example, a person who gambles frequently may end up in debt if they cannot pay back the money they borrowed to gamble.
  • Rise: To rise means to increase or go up. For example, the rise in gambling addiction can lead to more financial problems for individuals and families.
  • Suicide: Suicide is the act of intentionally ending one's own life. For example, some people struggling with gambling addiction may face severe emotional distress, leading to thoughts of suicide.
  • Money Laundering: Money laundering is the process of making illegally obtained money appear legal. For example, criminals might use casinos for money laundering by placing bets with dirty money to disguise its origin.

1Try to make your own TS using these suggested words. Then fill the above-mentioned template, and submit to our AI for evaluation. Keep making changes only in the TS till you get the full scores. This is the fastest way for you to prepare for the writing section of PTE Academic test.

Gaurav Chhikara

PTE Academic Guide

Gaurav Chhikara, a PTE Academic Guide at Marvel PTE, brilliantly melds his engineering acumen to transform PTE prep. With a perfect 90 score on his first attempt, he harnesses AI to refine exam evaluations, offering invaluable insights and strategies, taking students to their peak PTE score.